Friday, March 6, 2009

feel the difference!

As human beings, we all see ourselves very different from the other people, sometimes even the ones closest to us.Although we have diffucilty in classifying every one of our different characteristic, we feel this difference very often.This is a good experience to understand we are right or wrong about feeling this.I believe I have such characteristics as turning into the characters in the books, laughing while sleeping, and remembering my past with the scents which I felt unconsciously while I was living this definite part of my life.

I turn into the characters of the books especially the ones which I read very excitedly.I really can't control this and I notice this towards end of the books.This sometimes ends up very odd, bad and sorrowing situations.For instance I broke up my boyfriend because in the book I was reading that time the character was cheated by his girlfriend.In another example I finished all my relationships with my friends when I read about a character who has no friend.It is not always the main character I turn into.In contrast sometimes I become the slightest character and it changes not from book to book but from part to part of the books.By the way my favourite characters whom I enjoy to be most are 'Selim' in Tutunamayanlar and 'K.' in Dava.Even if this brings me some problems I am having a masochistic enjoy in the end.

Another example of my odd caharacteristics is to laugh while sleeping.It is very usual for people to cry or speak in their sleep and you can hear such situations everyday but I am laughing while I am sleeping interestingly!It is happening less often than in the past years.When I was in high school especially in the last year I had this experience very much.It sometimes takes place in a very loud way :)Moreover in one of them I could wake up my roommates at 3 a.m. and They didn't believe I was really sleeping because they thougt nobody can laugh so loudly while sleeping.In addition sometimes I continue laughing after I wake up.Because the thing which causes my laughing in my dream is a very funny event.But in most of those situations I cannot remember my dream unfortunately.
As my oddest characteristic I should talk about the scents which is a part of my remembering system.We generally remember something in the past when we see another thing related to it.But I use my smelling sense for this and surprisingly my smelling sense is not a special one.I don't notice most smells in fact.This happens to me very rarely and it takes place either while I was thinking something in the past like an important event or I just feel a smell and remember.I love those rare times very very much.I can't explain this situation exactly to even myself.But it gives me very interesting idea that we record everything with its appearance and sound namely as video but in future times some very sensitive devices may be invented to record also smells.Because remembering with smells is the best of all types.

I am not sure but at least hope that I made you think I am a different person. :):)


  1. I know your laughing in your sleep. It is really funny:) When we were at high school, Gülsah was my roommate, and one night she began to laugh. I woke up, my other friends were awaken already and we thought Gulsah was making a joke to us. We called her name, but nothing from her. Then we, thinking she was cheating us, went to sleep. In the morning we asked, why did you do that, why did you laugh? She said, I was really sleeping, and told that she had this in her previous school. I was very surprised, because I talk in my sleep, I saw people walking in their sleeps but "laugh"?? It very very funny and nice:)

  2. You are a great person,I love you very much :) really nice to meet you...
